Cambodia, Angkor Archeological Park - A Video Journey

The Angkor Archeological Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also one of the most important archaeological site not just in Cambodia but also probably in the South-East Asia region. The park covers an area that extended for hundreds of square kilometres and include major sites such as the Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom ancient temple complexes. Other notable sites include Banteay Srei, Beung Mealea, Srah Srang, Preah Khan and Preah Lup.

I had been fortunate to get to visit the Angkor Archeological Park twice. During these visits, I got to view many of the artefacts and wall sculptures up close, taking digital photographs with both my DSLR and mobile phones. Video clips taken wit my digital devices during the second trip not just recorded what I saw and experienced but also hopefully, document the ingenuity of the ancient Khmer people who built these sites.

Here, I had compiled a short 4-minute plus video of my second trip. The video is made up of a combination of video clips and still pictures of the sites, artefacts and sculptures taken at this ancient and world famous archeological wonder. However, this short video provides only a snapshot of the amazing Angkor Archeological Park. One certainly has to visit in-person to experience for oneself, the wonder and beauty of the sites.

From my blog's YouTube Channel at TANKS Travel Tales, this is my short video of the Angkor Archeological Park.


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