Korea, Busan - Dining Condiments

We all are familiar with and have come to expect condiments to be provided as part of our dining experience in a restaurant or eatery. This has somehow become standard practice almost everywhere in the world, from large metropolis such as London and Bangkok to villages nestled along the trekking routes of the Annapurna Region and the foothills of Ubud. However, the amount of dining condiments provided vary widely. From simple bottles of pepper and salt shakers to a small saucer of ketchup. But when dining out in South Korea, expect the unexpected when it comes to the amount of condiments provided by the eatery. When eating out during my trips to South Korea, I was always pleasantly surprised and confounded by the mind-boggling array of condiments laid out before me. Of course, I enjoyed every single one of these condiments. This is one of the main reasons why I enjoy dining out whenever I was in Seoul, Busan or any other Korean cities. A mind-boggling array of condiments accompanying a...