Japan, Iwakuni - Fisherman

Fishing for ayu (a.k.a. sweetfish, Plecoglossus altivelis ) is common among the residents living close to rivers and streams in Japan. With its clear and clean waters, many rivers and streams are teaming with aquatic life and ayu , being a favourite food fish, is often fished both commercially or as a hobby by many locals. Crossing the famous Iwakuni Bridge or Kin-tai kyo on my way to the top of Mount Yokoyama to visit the Iwakuni Castle, I looked down into the passing Nishiki River and chanced upon the sight of this fisherman fishing for ayu at low tide. Because I was standing on the bridge almost directly overhead, I could frame this shot seemingly from a bird eye's view perspective. This is another of those photo moments that would digitised the memory of that moment in time during my trip. A perfect digital momento to an unforgettable travel experience. Fisherman, Nishiki River, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan (2019)