Bucket List: Pokémon World Championship 2023

Japan, Yokohama Chancing upon an event featuring one's favourite franchise characters of all time definitely qualifies as a Travel Bucket List item. At least in my opinion! This was what happened to me when I arrived in Yokohama in August 2023 to discover myself in the midst of the Pokémon World Championship 2023. Needless to say, I quickly immersed myself into the festival-like atmosphere of the event. It was such a joy joining leagues of Pokémon fans worldwide to celebrate Pokémon World Championship. The original article was posted on this blog in November 2023. ⛰ ****************** How often does anyone chanced upon a major event featuring one's personal hobby while traveling? I did, in August 2023. Sandshrews! Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan (2023) Arriving at Yokohama two days early to rest and relax before boarding my cruise to the Kyushu region and other parts of Asia, I found myself in the midst of the Pokémon...