Thailand, Phuket - Art by the Beach

Just next to the popular and crowded Patong Beach in Phuket, are many small shops selling local food, touristy souvenirs, t-shirts and many other items. There are also shops selling art pieces. Being a person who is not artistically inclined, I have always admired those talented individuals who are good with art, whether it is in the areas of drawing or painting pictures, or crafting sculptures. Thankfully, I do enjoy art pieces. And on occasions when I encountered some nice works, I do buy them to support the artists, as long as the prices are within my budget. While strolling and window shopping along the rows of shops next to Patong Beach on an extremely warm and humid afternoon, I came across a small art shop selling unique art pieces. The displays were captured by my mobile phone camera. The photograph was a nice memento for my after-lunch walk. Shop display, Phuket, Thailand (2017)