Travel Bits: July 2017

Inflight Magazines....... Whichever airline I flew with, I usually look forward with eager anticipation to reading their inflight magazines. Reading these magazines help me spend my time during the flights. This is especially true during long haul intercontinental flights lasting 10 hours or more. Of course, we can also watch the many movies available as part of the inflight entertainment system. But there is definitely a limit to the number of inflight movies I can watch whilst seated in an economy class seat on a long haul flight. Reading inflight magazines allow me to enjoy a comfortable way to spend those long flight durations in economy class. It also serves to broaden my mind, help me learn more about places which I have not visited and provide me with inspirations on new travel destinations. And these magazines have the added advantage of helping me to cut down on the need to bring along more personal reading materials thus resulting in less weight and space needed ...