
Showing posts with the label sentosa

Bucket List: S.E.A. Life

Singapore, Sentosa, S.E.A. Life Sometimes, we travel far and wide in search of new experiences and new sights. But, right in our backyard, literally, are new experiences and sights that we had totally overlooked. Before I get mistaken, I am a huge proponent of international travel. I am a firm believer of the benefits of travel to far and distant lands. But, I am also an advocate in discovering experiences and sights unknown to ourselves in our own country, city, town and so on. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when international travel was more or less near impossible, I took to visiting local sites that I had never been to before. Visiting the S.E.A. Aquarium at Singapore's Sentosa resort island was one such experience. The visit left me both amazed and bewildered at the amount of sea life on display. What impressed me most were the efforts of the Aquarium to (as close as possible) present the animals in their natural environments and their efforts at encouraging conservati

Singapore, Sentosa - Moray Eels at S.E.A. Aquarium

Visiting the S.E.A. Aquarium at Singapore's Sentosa resort island left me both amazed and bewildered at the amount of sea life on display. What impressed me most are the efforts of the Aquarium to (as close as possible) present the animals in their natural environments and their efforts at encouraging conservation of our global marine life and environments. This was my first visit to the aquarium and it was time and effort well spent for me. I got to observe marine life in their natural aquatic environments in a way that no video or photographs can ever replicate. I will certainly be back for repeat visits in the near future. Moray Eels, S.E.A. Aquarium, Sentosa, Singapore (2022)