Maldives - Seas of Life

To date, my one and only visit to the Maldives had been in August 2014. During that trip, I had stayed in one of the locally inhabited island of Mahibadhoo. Accommodation was booked via AirBnB and everything about the stay was no frills right down to the prices. It was a great experience to be able to live amongst and to interact with the local people on a day-to-day basis, even if this is only for that few days of a short vacation trip. Such experiences can not be replicated if one chose to stay cocooned in an expensive and sanitized tourist island in the Maldives. During my visit, I was not confined to just the island of Mahibadhoo. I also got to experience visiting other smaller islands as well, both inhabited and uninhabited. Getting to some of the sand banks that appeared or disappeared with the coming and going of the tides were extremely awesome experiences. I will return to the Maldives again because I generally love the sea and everything about the Maldives has to...