Travel Bits: September 2016

Pros and cons of group and solo trips....... I don't usually travel with friends not because I am an introvert But I personally prefer a more easy going style of travel where visiting each and every tourist attraction is not a must-do item for every location or city I travel to. I also enjoy a more laid back attitude when it comes to travelling where I take my time to enjoy the place, the culture and the locals instead of basing my daily plans on lists compiled from travel guides and magazines. Traveling with friends or in a group require that we put aside these personal preferences and go with the majority decision where itineraries are concern. The Author, Timothy on a solo hike in the mountains, Takayama, Gifu Prefecture, Japan (2014) However, I do travel with friends whenever the opportunity present itself. And I do enjoy these trips. In short, traveling solo or with friends both have their pros and cons. And for certain trips, traveling with friends or in a group...