Bucket List: New Series in this Blog

Beginning a whole new monthly series of travel snippets; the Bucket List, in this blog from the month of September 2019. All of the items in this list are stuff from my personal bucket list which I had completed. They ranges from the mundane to the interesting. Some may be downright boring, stupid or quirky. Some, a little bit adventurous and out of the norm. None are disrespectful, dangerous or illegal. All are affordable, a little bit of saving up may be required for the occasional item on this list if you are an average person like myself. The idea of this list is to share my bucket list escapades. It is meant to inspire the reader to come up with his or her own list. Everybody have their own idea of adventure and fun. May this series be an inspiration for you to plan and enjoy your very own bucket list and to add that little more excitement and zest into your travels. The author enjoying the view of Lake Biwa, Takashima, Shiga Prefecture, Japan (2018)