Singapore, Marina Bay - Supertrees

At heights of up to 50 metres above ground, these aptly named Supertress are iconic features of Singapore's famous and well-loved Gardens by the Bay. While already impressive during daytime by their sheer height and imposing presence at the so-called Supertree Grove, it is at night when these Supertrees truly come alive. Along with the arrival of dusk, the large canopies of the Supertrees light up in an amazing kaleidoscope of colours, gently shifting from one colour to the next, like gentle breezes in the tropical night. Skytrees, Gardens by the Bay, Marina Bay, Singapore (2021) Despite these Supertress being man-made, all 18 of them are actually filled with living plants. Through clever design and creative architecting, vertical panelings provide anchors for various flora to be planted on the Supertrees whilst at the same time, providing the right environmental conditions for them to flourish. Widely considered one of the must-see sights of Singapore, visitors and locals alike wi...