Seychelles, Victoria - Capital City

The capital of Seychelles is Victoria. Located on the island of Mahé, Victoria was formerly the seat of the British colonial government. History and Geography While the city itself was previously founded by French colonies in the late 18th century, the name Victoria was given to the city by the British colonial government in the 19th century. Due to its history, the local culture and tradition have strong hints of both French and English influences. This includes the local Creole language which incorporates both French and English words. Clock Tower, Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles (2000) Climate The climate of Victoria is tropical which translates to year-round warm weather coupled with relatively high humidity. The months of June and July are typically drier while the months between December to February usually bring more rain to the city, the island of Mahé and generally most parts of the Seychelles. My personal experience was tha...