Random Thoughts - Happy New Year 2023 and Beyond

With the blink of an eye, the year 2022 is history, 2023 is the present and 2024 is the immediate beyond. 2022 will be remembered as the year when international travel was allowed to resume, the year when supply chains were the main talking points of economists, logisticians and politicians alike, and also the year when the world suddenly becomes a lot more unfriendly. On a more personal note, I started leisure travel again in May 2022 and completed a total of six trips for the year. Not revenge travel to compensate for my hermit lifestyle in 2020 and 2021 but merely seizing the chance to explore the world again and reconnect with relatives and friends living in other parts of the world. The last two months of the year had been tough for me. In the middle of October, I had stupidly took on a full-time appointment. Saddled with sisyphean tasks that even the legendary Hercules himself will be hard pressed to fulfil, I decide to throw in the towel, raise the white flag and retu...