Travel Bits: June 2016

I am late again for my regular Travel Bits series. ;-) After the unexpected travels in the months of April and May, June 2016 has been a month of working and working. Yup, no time for anything else except work, even over the weekends. But as I have mentioned before in several articles in this blog, traveling do not have to mean packing one's luggage and boarding a jetliner; moving around your neighbourhood or visiting the neighbouring town can be as much of a traveling experience as visiting another country. :-) Towards the end of the month of June, I had relatives visiting from Malaysia and they were staying at the magnificent Fullerton Hotel located in the Central Business District (CBD) of Singapore. Visiting them at their hotel, I walked to the balcony of their hotel room and was rewarded with splendid views of the Singapore River and the CBD. Using my iPhone 6S Plus (which practically doubles as my convenience camera of choice), I took the following pictures....