Singapore, Changi - Returning to the Airport

After close to more than two and a half years of hiatus of air travel, I finally got to return to the airport to take my first flight in May 2022. Even though it was a short regional flight from Singapore to Cambodia's Siem Reap, finding myself back at the airport to take a flight had been a wonderful experience. Sure, there were things that were not the same as back then in November 2019 when I last took a flight. But there were also things that were still the same. Let's start with things that were no longer similar. Firstly were the additional travel documentation to prepare before one is allowed to get one's boarding pass issued at the airport. These additional documentations include vaccinations records, permissions to travel (for some destinations), travel insurance (again, only required by certain destination countries and regions) and so on. For those who are usually well-prepared when it comes to dealing with paperwork, these requirements shouldn't present too...