UK, Scotland - Journey through the Highlands

While traveling to Loch Ness, I had the chance to briefly explore the Scottish Highlands. The highlands is a mountainous region north-east of Scotland. Bed and Breakfast Inn, Scottish Highlands, Scotland, UK (2011) My trip was too brief for me to even scratch the surface of the immense culture and history of this region. Even so, what I experienced during this brief sojourn through the highlands on my way to Loch Ness gave me an insight into the rich cultural and historical significance of the region. I shall plan and return on a longer trip to explore the region. Until that entry in my travel bucket list is fulfilled, I will always look back at some of the photographs I took during my maiden trip through the highlands and marvel at the magic that he region has to offer. The mountainous landscape that defines the Scottish Highlands, Scotland, UK (2011) Rolling meadows on the outskirts of Inverness, Scotland, UK (2011) Local inn, Scottish High...