Random Thoughts - Resuming Leisure Travel

After more than two and a half years, I finally resumed leisure travel again in May 2022. My first time travelling overseas for leisure in almost 30 months seemed like a dream came true. While I did not travel far, only taking a road trip from Singapore to neighbouring Malaysia, it was still a joy to finally be able to travel again.

While there are a number of "new" procedures that I had to follow as part of the so-called new normal post-pandemic, I was glad that I still managed to successfully followed all these procedures and proceeded with my recent travels without any hiccups. Yes, new procedures meant extra cost and also more pre-travel administrative tasks unlike pre-pandemic leisure travel. But I was nevertheless thankful that leisure travel has now been made possible in many countries and regions of the world.

As I look forward to a few more overseas leisure trips this year, I hope that most of my readers have also began to travel again, or at least start to make plans to resume leisure travel soon.

A selfie to mark my first overseas trip after close to 30 months of no leisure travel, Cameron Floral Park, Brinchang, Pahang, Malaysia (2022)

"We can't change the Past,

But we can change the Future by planning for it Today."


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