Travel Bits: July 2024

Planning for December Travel...... 

Traveling in the year-end month of December is different from traveling during other months of the year, at least for me. Somehow, December being the last month of the year, has that festive vibes that make me more relaxed while every part of life simply just seemed to slow down, from work to personal.

Travel during the traditional holiday month of December is definitely more expensive in my part of the world. December coincides with the year-end school holidays here in South-East Asia and is also the "last" month when most workers will need to "clear" their annual leave for the current year before the start of a brand new work year. This results in a rush to travel during this period, leading to higher costs in air tickets and destination accommodations.

But, there are always ways to mitigate the increased costs of traveling during this period. My strategy is to choose a nearer regional location and to travel earlier in the month. This December, to soak myself in the year-end festive mood, I have booked a one-week vacation to Malaysia's Penang. Nothing like enjoying the sumptuous local food in Penang for a week, chill out in nice and quaint indie cafes and simply to do nothing much but to relax. Oh, also to write. Writing, being a hobby rather than a job, helps me to relax and also improves my mental well-being. 

I have also booked for myself, to stay at a nice beach-front hotel during the trip and look forward to enjoying myself at the beach, the sea and also the hotel pool. My air tickets price is reasonable because I chose the less popular flight times and am flying economy. While my accommodation costs more than usual, this is because I chose to stay at one of my bucket-list travel accommodation!
With flights and accommodations confirmed, all I have to do now is simply to wait for December to arrive. I am not going to rush to visit each and every recommended touristy location in Penang during the trip. Rather, I will be spending my time and money on food and relaxation. There is thus not much to plan for in the one-week itinerary. Everyday, it will be just eat, relax, chill, swim, write, eat, sleep and repeat. A good way to recharge myself for a challenging new year ahead in 2025.

A temple in Georgetown, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Penang, Malaysia (2022)


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