Travel Bits: August 2024

Travel Assurance...... 

Read in the news that there had been an earthquake in Japan's southern region with the relevant authorities warning of a major (or should it be mega?) earthquake to be wary of. Of course, the probably of such an event is very low and the timing is anyone's guess, even if it happens. After all, no one can accurately predict the timing and scale of earthquakes or any natural disasters despite the advancement of science. 

Of course, I am not panicking despite that I have a booked trip to Japan in end-October. But I do think that being cautious and not taking things for granted do go a long way to be prepared if and when any unforeseen events occur, however unlikely. I therefore decided to increase my travel insurance coverage for the trip, paying more just to have a better peace of mind. For my Penang trip in December, which I consider to be low risk due to the geography, I bought only the basic insurance coverage. 

On a recent backpacking trip via train journeys from Bangkok to Singapore, I similarly bought only the basic travel insurance coverage because I don't foresee myself engaging in high-risks activities such as bungee jumping or white water river rafting. If I have had these activities planned into my itinerary, then naturally I will have to ensure that I am sufficiently insured for these. But since my trip was a just series of train rides from one city to the next, travelling through peaceful communities, I considered this to be a low risk trip.

By conducting a basic risk assessment in my mind whenever I travel, I tailored my travel insurance coverage accordingly. Factors that I usually take into considerations are the destination's geography and season of travel to take into account the likelihood of travel disruptions due to natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, the location's social stability and the relative cost-of living of the locations. Typically, a higher cost of living often equates to higher medical costs, thus the necessity for higher insurance coverage for accidents and illness. The type of activities in my planned itinerary also play a major part in my decision making process.

These are but some basic factors I consider when deciding on my travel insurance coverage and my personal preparedness such as a second mobile phone with a different telco, additional cash in internationally accepted currencies and so on.

No, I am not paranoid. But I do believe in being prepared. And everyone should as well. 

Something I learned as an elementary school kid when I was with the Boy Scouts. 🌏

View from a moving train, Ratchaburi, Thailand (2024)


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