Thailand, Phuket - Beach Combing at Night

Beach combing at night is a favourite activity of mine whenever I was on vacation near beaches. And I did just that for every night I spent in Phuket when I was on vacation there in the summer of 2017.

Listening to the waves pounding the shores, feeling the rush of seawater towards my feet, smelling the salty sea air and enjoying the pleasures of solitude as I walked bare feet along the shore, clad in nothing but my swim shorts, provided a calming sense of liberty, a feeling that can seldom be felt anywhere else.

Patong Beach at dusk, Phuket, Thailand (2017)

Along the shores at night, Ghost Crabs scurried away as I walked, some clambering over my feet in their hurry to avoid the approaching "giant". There were also the live barnacles, clung tightly to dead logs washed ashore, the occasional carcasses of fishes and other sea creatures strewn randomly across the sand by the waves and the dazzling array of stars up in the dark night sky above.

Barnacles on a dead log, Phuket, Thailand (2017)

A dead puffer fish washed ashore by the waves, Phuket, Thailand (2017)

At night, when the mass of tourists had retired for the night or to some other places to continue their merry making, the beach quickly turned from a bubbling caldron of human activities into an oasis of calm and peace. The sounds of humanity replaced with the sounds of nature. 

Go beach combing the next time you are on vacation near the sea and experience for yourself what it feels like to be one with nature. :-)

A "no swimming" flag at the beach to warn beachgoers of the strong waves and currents, Phuket, Thailand (2017)


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